Corn Exchange


Man of Valour

by Paul Reid, Annie Ryan & Michael West

Fiercely energetic... brilliantly evoked

The Scotsman

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Design by Aad

Design by Aad

Farrell Blinks is an office drone with an overactive fantasy gland. His imagined, heroic adventures offer violent release from the pressures and boredom of his ordinary life - until the border between fantasy and reality begins to blur. When his demons come after him, Farrell has to find his voice and face them down.

Backed by an award-winning design team, Man of Valour is a breathtaking, almost wordless performance by Paul Reid in the unique transformational style of The Corn Exchange.

Man of Valour premiered in the Cork Midsummer Festival in 2011. It played The Traverse Theatre Edinburgh as part of the Edinburgh Fringe 2011 and played in the Kontact Festival in Poland in 2012. In 2013 it embarked on a National tour to Limerick, Cork and Dublin.

Creative Team


Production Team

